Make your loft safe
Posted on 6th August 2020 at 21:07
When in lockdown did you declutter – were you balancing on joists, clambering up unsafe ladders to get to your loft space, could you stand up, was there enough light? We can help you unlock the potential of your loft and most importantly allow you to do that safely!
A loft space can often fall victim to becoming a forgotten or underutilised area in the home. Frequently neglected, underused, and often treated as an invisible space until it’s time to unpack or store the Christmas decorations, boarded loft spaces have the potential to enrich a home and become a well-utilised area.
If you’re lucky enough to have a spacious loft in your home, you could unlock its full potential by safely boarding the floor of it
Boarding a loft is necessary from an important safety aspect. If you have an un-boarded loft, you are forced to tread carefully over the exposed joists and run the risk of slipping and falling through the ceiling, injuring yourself or others, and possibly racking up some expensive repair costs.
A boarded loft is far safer, convenient, cheaper and provides a reliable and clean storage space within your home.
There are countless benefits to using your loft for storage. Perhaps you are looking to declutter your home and want to make full use of your loft to make this happen. Other benefits include:
• Adding value to your home
• Transforming your space
• Saving on energy bills
Loft Ladders
You probably thought of having a loft ladder fitted every time you were going up and down decluttering the loft, and realised that you could do with one.
You have probably had to rummage around your garage or your shed trying to free your stepladder from all the stuff that is piled up on top of if just to get to it. You then had to carry it up the stairs and probably scratched the walls on the way up.
Finally you had to lift yourself up into the opening as your step ladder is just that little bit too short, and that is only if you could be bothered to use all that empty space inside your loft and not just opted for the easy option and just stored whatever it was that needed to be stored on top of the pile that’s in your shed or garage!...sound familiar?
There are a lot of reasons why purchasing a loft ladder will benefit you, but the first and foremost is simply for convenience. Another ladder may do the job just fine, but each foray up to the loft then means going to fetch it each time.
The second reason is safety, a properly installed loft ladder means you can go up and down knowing that the ladder will not slip, move or be so steep that its hard to climb.
If, after reading our blog, you are now inspired to install loft boarding, lighting or need a safe loft ladder then get in touch today for a no obligation quote.
The Loft Access Company have over 22 years’ experience in all things loft related - including installing loft insulation. If have any other questions or would like to book in a no-obligation survey, please get in touch. Thank you for reading!
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